I Won! But What?

April 8, 2012

I won!!! (I just don’t know quite what yet)
My scruffy little column for the Star has taken first, second or third place in the National Society of Newspaper Columnists contest for 2011, in the category of humor in publications with circulation under 50,000 (in my case, way under). I’ll let you know if I win, place or show when the results are announced in May!   Here’s the link if you want to see who and what I’m up against…

5 Responses to “I Won! But What?”

  1. saraleeperel Says:

    Well, you’re up against me, which means you’re a shoo-in (shoe-in?) for 1st or 2nd. I’ve never won a 1st place NSNC award. Congratulations on being a finalist. So exciting!

  2. Laura Rafaty Says:

    Saralee — You are too modest! You are a three-time winner (who cares who finishes where) and have an awesome home page, complete with adorable dog! My readers should check it out….http://www.saraleeperel.com
    Congrats back at you!

  3. Laura Rafaty Says:

    Here at http://www.laurarafaty.com you can find a link to my Star columns on the right hand side, and also some original columns among the posts here. Thanks!

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