I Won, That’s What!

May 8, 2012

Last Saturday night in Macon, GA, I won (in absentia) First Place in the National Society of Newspaper Columnists column contest for my St. Helena Star Columns, in the category of humor (circulation under 50,000).  The same day, I won first place in the California Newspaper Publisher’s Association awards for my columns.

I seem to be on a winning streak, so I am considering entering the Olympics and the Miss Universe Pageant.  I should be a shoo-in for both, because I was born both genetically and chromosomally female.

I am grateful to the Star and to the NSNC and CNPA but most of all to those of you who actually read my silly scribblings.

3 Responses to “I Won, That’s What!”

  1. So, how did the Miss Universe thing go?

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